by Mario Cypko
For a young researcher a conference is a great opportunity to present his recent work, to get feedback and impulses from an audience of seniors and juniors for further work, and also find potential collaborations or research exchanges. However, presentations often only represent a snapshot from a larger project and the time for discussions later on at a conference is limited. Often times the audience has no prior knowledge of the young presenter’s background and ambitions. So, how can we give young researchers more exposure?
This year, at the CARS Conference in Barcelona, during the second Young Investigator Networking Session (YINS), young researchers received an additional opportunity to present and discuss more of their recent work. YINS is an initiative of ISCAS’s Young Investigators Force. The mission is simple: to bring juniors and seniors together. All in an open and friendly business-and-beer atmosphere, to give young researchers the time and space to be free in presenting posters about their project, experiences and interests in work and privacy. This year we had 12 participants, some were focused more on business, while others shared their hobbies in a very likable way.
Next year, when the 20th ISCAS conference meets the 30th CARS conference in Heidelberg, Germany, we plan a small change of the YINS event to make it more dynamic. Instead of only waiting in front of the posters, presenters will first give a superfast power-point presentation to the entire audience, with just a couple of minutes to present a few slides on the topic of their choice.
Mario Cypko, PhD is a Research Associate in the Digital Patient Modeling Group at Universität Leipzig.
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