by Alexander Seitel
The Robotics and Control Laboratory has been active in research in the fields of haptics, robotics, medical image processing and image guidance, diagnostic and interventional ultrasound, and machine learning for over three decades. As a joint lab headed by three internationally renowned professors (Tim Salcudean, Robert Rohling, and Purang Abolmaesumi) it has always been an attractive place for the post-graduate education of numerous students, many of whom now hold prestigious positions in academia and industry. Close collaboration with industrial partners allows the research to be performed at the edge of the technological development with hardware such as the daVinci surgical robotic system, many ultrasound machines, and numerous tracking devices being available to all students. An open lab work setting with Postdocs, PhD, Master, and undergraduate students working in the same space ensures a collaborative research atmosphere with constructive communication across different projects and experience levels.
The diverse background of the approximately 40 members of the group contributes to the active social life within the group. Joint lunches, dinners, movie nights, BBQs, hikes, and other social activities are common throughout the year. Located in Vancouver, continuously rated as one of the most liveable cities in the world, there exist endless possibilities to re-energize after a long day of exciting research. Whether there are the mountain activities which include hiking, climbing, (mountain)biking, skiing; the numerous beaches, and in particular Jericho beach with its sailing club; one of the world’s largest yoga scene; uncountable nice little cafes and restaurants; a vibrant micro-brewery scene; social activities like dancing, concerts, movies; everyone will find something matching their interest.
Openings are regularly available for coop terms, Master and PhD theses, and postdoctoral fellowships. Refer to our homepage ( for more information.
Alexander Seitel, PhD is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Robotics and Control Laboratory at the University of British Columbia.
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