Dear colleagues,
every year, hundreds of new algorithms are published in the field of biomedical image analysis. For a long time, validation and evaluation of new methods was based on the authors’ personal data sets, rendering fair and direct comparison of solutions impossible. In the meantime, common research practice has changed and involves organization of international competitions (‘challenges’) that allow for benchmarking algorithms on publicly released data sets. While this was a great step forward, “advancement of science requires continuous examination of the principles and practices by which the research community operates” (Nature Neuroscience doi:10.1038/nn.4500).
After 10 years of grand biomedical challenges at large international conferences such as MICCAI, we would like to carefully analyze and critically question common research practice. Please help us by taking 10-20 minutes to fill out this questionnaire:
It will be open until March 30th.
Many thanks in advance,
Lena Maier-Hein and Pierre Jannin
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