We invite young and senior researchers to participate in the second “ISCAS Young Investigators Networking Session (YINS)” at CARS 2015. The aim of this meeting is to encourage the global exchange and cooperation between the young researchers of ISCAS and to connect them with senior experienced researchers.
Young researchers will have the opportunity to present themselves and their interests. Presenting young researchers are asked to bring a poster presenting him/herself (short CV, interests, current projects, objectives, publications) and an objective: for instance, looking for clinical data, software, expertize in a specific area, or job, and put them on the panel before the session. Please also bring printed A4 versions of your poster to be distributed.
Senior researchers are invited for “poster tours” to make contact with young scientists standing at their posters. The poster tours will be organized to streamline the process by the organizers in each subgroup. Drinks and light meals will be served during the session. The session will held on Thursday, June 25, 2015, after the last ISCAS session; exact time and location to be confirmed. Young investigators that are interested to join the session, please contact Miguel A. González Ballester at ma.gonzalez@upf.edu.
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